Sooo I have 4 weddings in my near future--two of which I'm MOH (October 2014 & June 2015), one I'm a bridesmaid (April 2015), & one I am solely a guest (September 2014-however she will be my sister in law so of course I'm still obligated to help). Needless to say there are a LOT of bridal shenanigans to plan & partake in, around all of the baby showers also in my life, of course. Guess I'm just at that point in my life -- weddings & babies everywhere! :)
Saturday I got to knock the first event off of the list--Shannon's Bridal Shower! Now, this was my first bridal shower that I've attended AND the first I've had the pleasure of planning. Nothing like killing two birds with one stone, right?!

Luckily, I had the assistance of one of her family friends who helped take care of the food & location. We had all sorts of yummy finger foods & desserts -- including a chocolate fountain & (spiked) punch, of course! (Disclaimer--sorry for the HORRIBLE picture quality of all of these)
We played the "purse game"--certain things you would find in your purse are worth points, guest with the most points wins & the "him or her" game--a list of 10 statements, guests have to guess whether they were made and/or relate to the bride or the groom, guest with the most correct wins!.

We bought a platter for guests to sign as the guest book. Once you bake it at 350 for about 30 minutes, it is officially multi-purposeful! I also had a Date Night Jar & Advice bucket with cards that had "Good Marriage Advice" on one side & "Honest Marriage Advice" on the other. How cute is that?! We got to hear some very funny, & great, advice from women who have years of experience!!
Of course I had to craft in honor of the celebration: an adorable "__ days until she's hitched" sign & a "future mrs warren" banner. Both so easy.
I think the sign is my favorite. I knew since I had so many bridal related events soon, I should make it multi-purposeful so I could use it for all of them! I just took an extra canvas I had laying around, used painters tape to have even lines, & used a sharpie for the writing. I cut a heart out of cardstock, spray painted it with chalkboard paint, hot glued it on & voila!
I'm sure you've seen the banners all over Etsy. Now, though they're not priced too highly, you're still wasting your money! I literally made that out of twine, sandpaper, & paint--all extremely inexpensive items! I must say, using the sandpaper was probably one of my best ideas yet (if i do say so myself hehe)! They're like a dollar for a pack of 30, they're pre cut rectangles, & they have the, very in right now, rustic feel. Definitely can't go wrong there!
Feel free to leave any questions or comments & happy crafting!! :)
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