I am WAY behind on blogging! I've been busy with my newly opened Etsy shop -- CrazyCraftaholic :) But anyway, this is about a recent bachelorette weekend for one of the many beautiful brides in my life!
We went to Charlotte, NC the weekend of St. Patrick's day...which is also the weekend of the World's Largest Bar Crawl. Needless to say, it was PACKED with people & with green. I would say this only added to our excitement though! It also gave us an opportunity to buy a $25 shirt that would get us into basically ANY bar/club we would want to go to!
The MOH & I made these adorable lingerie detail boudoir cards & I made this cute itinerary also!
Of course, I made survival kits for the weekend, because you can't have a bache weekend without them! They had all the essentials: a monogram wine glass, moscato, bridesmaid pin, gum, gatorade, a razor, a hair tie, chap stick, band-aids, gum, bubbles, deodorant, pain reliever & chocolate! All items are from the dollar store (except the wine/gatorade/pin) which keeps the costs down!
Unfortunately, we missed Food Truck Friday due to some "traffic issues", but Friday night was filled with other bachelorette fun & games! When these include wine & bache dares, you know it's a good night!
Our next endeavor was Pole Dancing! Some of the girls were a little skeptical at first, but quickly realized how much fun -- and how much of a workout -- this really is! We had about a 45 minute class where we learned some "basics". At the end we all had to do our own routine for the bride. It was a BLAST. & I think many of us were surprised at the skills we actually had!
Overall, it was an excellent weekend, filled with fun & memories that will last us a lifetime. Bachelorette weekends can be expensive, but in the end, the experience is worth it all. You can always take advantage of DIY opportunities, such as the invites, decor, etc., in order to minimize costs! It is an excitement filled time celebrating the bride to be & her future life changes. It is something that I am always honored to be apart of, as it will be one of the last "big events" that the bride partakes in before she becomes a Mrs.!
Happy Crafting (& weddings!)